Open Dag in Utrecht op Zaterdag 4 mei 2024

Kees Voorhoeve is studiecoördinator van de Opleiding Spiritualiteit en Zingeving van de Academie voor Geesteswetenschappen 
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Pain, the Way and your True Self

~ Jalal ad-Din Rumi 

It is pain that guides us in every enterprise. 
Until there is an ache within, a passion and a yearning for that thing arising within us, 
we will never strive to attain it. Without pain it remains beyond our reach. 
It was not until the pains of birth manifested in Mary that she made for the tree. 
Those pangs drove her to the tree, and the tree that was withered became fruitful. 
We are like that story of Mary in the Koran. Every one of us has a Jesus within, 
but until the pangs manifest, our Jesus is not born. 
If the pangs never come, then our child rejoins its origin by the same secret path 
through which it came, leaving us empty, without the birth of our true self. 


O Seeker ! Though you have broken your vows a hundred times, come again!
Come again! For God has said though you are on high or in the pit consider me, 
for I am The Way.


Quickly remove self from the midst, so that you may grasp your Self in your embrace! 
Make a journey from self to Self, oh friend, for by such a journey the earth becomes a mine of gold. Purify yourself from the attributes of self, so that you may see your own pure essence!


What was whispered to the rose 
To break it open 
Last night 
Was whispered to my heart.


I belong to no religion. 
My religion is Love.
Every heart is My temple.

Mystical Rose
Salvador Dali